all postcodes in L14 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L14 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L14 9LL 13 0 53.423062 -2.867542
L14 9LN 27 0 53.42105 -2.872286
L14 9LP 39 0 53.422607 -2.874485
L14 9LR 57 0 53.422414 -2.87129
L14 9LS 62 0 53.421736 -2.873037
L14 9LT 59 1 53.42083 -2.875276
L14 9LU 18 0 53.421739 -2.875159
L14 9LW 23 0 53.423466 -2.873765
L14 9LX 39 0 53.422104 -2.87309
L14 9LY 28 0 53.423215 -2.87242
L14 9LZ 19 0 53.421086 -2.8734
L14 9NA 32 0 53.425926 -2.866727
L14 9ND 19 1 53.424364 -2.8637
L14 9NF 44 0 53.42722 -2.870426
L14 9NG 32 0 53.425535 -2.867291
L14 9NH 44 0 53.425275 -2.869784
L14 9NL 42 0 53.422978 -2.865448
L14 9NN 30 0 53.425112 -2.871195
L14 9NP 50 0 53.422706 -2.865759
L14 9NQ 45 1 53.423832 -2.864216